Mapping Dreamscapes
of the Individual and the Collective

RISD Thesis Project
Advised by Lucinda Hitchcock and Griffin Smith

How are dreams captured?
How can dreamscapes be archived?
How do dreams connect us?

Through graphic experiments, this triptych of work maps the dreams of the individual and the collective. Each piece incorporates language to navigate the unique challenge of communicating a dream, and the fleeting visibility of the words reflects the ephemerality of dreaming but contradicts the act of documenting them.

Mapping dreamscapes questions if dreams can ever be shared in full color when they lack the experiences and emotions that the dreamer brings with them. 

How do dreams connect us?

Most of us may be surprised to learn that we often have similar dreams. This web space invites us to record our dreams and explore the connections we unknowingly share. Discovering the commonalities in our dreams may shift our belief that dreaming is a profoundly individual experience. 

How are dreamscapes archived?

Straying away from traditional methods of dream documentation, this collection of maps makes sense of dreamscapes by charting out more subjective aspects of dreaming. Transparent and overlaid on top of each other, this growing collection of erratic dreamscapes form a larger interconnected map: a hazy reflection of my subconscious terrain.

How are dreams captured?

Dreams escape us the moment we wake up. In a desperate attempt to record them, we scribble down the fragments we can grasp. This installation is an experiement in memorializing my dreams. The plotter has no clea beginning or end between dreams; it mirrors the unbounded nature of our subconscious.


Process and experimentation

mehekgopivohra © 2024